
About me:

Hey I'm Melle I am 15 years old and I enjoy coding, math, physics and videogames.
And I'm on a journey to help people

— See Project


A website with tools and goodies to help people from schools to help them
with their academic career and socializing

— view project


A website for teachers to record lectures which will be uploaded for students to see. Using OPENAI's Whisper model
Used as a base for JPTuner, made as a personal project for the IB personal project

— view project
— I build websites for fun

Helping to create a better world by releasing ground breaking websites which could better everyone from the school.

Yes I am currently available for new projects you can contact me Here.

I am currently working on a new project called JPTuner which is based on my old project-roosevelt

I am also doing editing using AfterEffects and I enjoy creating and playing games.

I also play football 3 times a week and I go to the GYM.

Project-Roosevelt is opensource but due to copyright limitations and security risks the amount of JPTuner that will be opensourced might be limited.

I make most of my work alone but my next project JPTuner I am creating with Jesse Nuijten.
